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La presente sezione del portale sulla bioeconomia rurale illustra progetti che trattano diversi aspetti della bioeconomia, con benefici per le zone rurali. Questi esempi possono offrire utili spunti per sviluppare nuovi progetti e aprire la strada a possibili collaborazioni e scambi di buone pratiche tra professionisti e istituzioni.

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Trova qui i progetti dalla banca dati del FEASR.

Altri progetti finanziati dal FEASR

Periodo di finanziamento 2014-2020

Periodo di finanziamento 2007-2013

Elaborazione di strumenti di conoscenza e comunicazione

  • AGFORWARD - promoting appropriate agroforestry practices that advance sustainable rural development (2014-17)
  • BERST - BioEconomy Regional Strategy Toolkit - helping regions in their trajectory of bioeconomic development (2013-15)
  • Biobridges - improving the marketability of bio-based products (2018-20)
  • BioCannDo - Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project - raising awareness and promoting the use of bio-based products (2016-19)
  • Biomonitor - establishing a data and modelling framework to quantify the economic, environmental and social impacts of bioeconomy (2018-22)
  • BioSTEP - promoting stakeholder engagement and public awareness for a participative governance of the European bioeconomy (2015-2018)
  • BIOWAYS - increasing public awareness of bio-based products and applications supporting the growth of the European bioeconomy (2016-2018)
  • CommBeBiz - communicating and bridging bioeconomy research to business (2015-2018)
  • FINDIT - a cutting edge platform for data management and analysis to assist European fish aquaculture in its development towards higher performance and competitiveness (2013-2015)
  • FORESTERRA - enhancing forest research in the Mediterranean through improved coordination and integration (2012-2015)
  • ISAAC - increasing social awarness and acceptance of biogas and biomethane (2016-2018)
  • OPEN-BIO - opening bio-based markets via standards, labelling and procurement (2013-2016)
  • NUTRI2CYCLE - Transition towards a more carbon and nutrient efficient agriculture
    in Europe (2018-2022)
  • ProBIO - professional support to the uptake of bioeconomy RD results towards market, further research and policy for a more competitive European bioeconomy (2015-2017)
  • Rubizmo - working to discover the vital ingredients for developing entrepreneurship and successful business models in high potential sectors (2018-21)
  • STAR ProBio - support and partnership for the development of multiple sustainable and market ready value chains in the bio-based economy (2016-2018)
  • VALERIE - valorising European research for innovation in agriculture and forestry (2014-2017)
  • ROSEWOOD - Best Practices and Innovations in forest based bioeconomy (2019)

Innovazione tecnologica

  • BIOREFINE-2G - development of 2nd generation biorefineries – production of dicarboxylic acids and bio-based polymers derived thereof (2013-17)
  • BIOrescue - enhanced bioconversion of agricultural residues through cascading use (2016-19)
  • BISIGODOS - high value-added chemicals and bio-resins from algae biorefineries produced from CO2 provided by industrial emissions (2013-17)
  • D-FACTORY - the micro algae biorefinery (2013-17)
  • DISCO - from discovery to products: a next generation pipeline for the sustainable generation of high-value plant products (2013-17)
  • MIRACLES - multi-product integrated biorefinery of algae: from carbon dioxide and light energy to high-value specialties (2013-17)
  • Novel Anaerobes - studying novel anaerobic microorganisms with potential for biotechnological applications (2013-18)
  • POWER4BIO - empowering regional stakeholders for realising the full potential of European bioeconomy (2018-21)
  • Pulp2Value - an integrated and cost-effective cascading biorefinery system for refining sugar beet pulp (2015-2019)
  • SIMWOOD - an innovative, integrated approach to multifunctional forestry and enhanced wood mobilisation across European forest regions (2013-17)
  • VALOR-PLUS - valorisation of biorefinery by-products leading to closed loop systems with improved economic and environmental performance (2013-17)

Catene del valore / filiere corte

  • AGRIMAX - developing and demonstrating the production of multiple, high-value products from crop and food-processing waste (2016-20)
  • BE-Rural - Bio-based strategies and roadmaps for enhanced rural and regional development in the EU (2019-2022)
  • Bioenergy Villages - boosting bioenergy villages, i.e. a village, municipality, settlement or community which produces and uses most of its energy from local biomass and other renewable energies (2016-19)
  • GRACE - Growing advanced industrial crops on marginal lands for biorefineries (2017-2022)
  • Rosewood - Building a trans-European network of stakeholders of the forestry value chain for the transfer of best practices & innovations in sustainable wood mobilisation (2018-2020)
  • SuperBIO - support and partnership for the development of multiple sustainable and market ready value chains in the bio-based economy (2016-18)
  • LIFE Carbon Dairy - Plan carbone de la production laitire franaise
  • LIFE Beef Carbon - Demonstration actions to mitigate the carbon footprint of beef production in France, Ireland, Italy and Spain
  • LIFE Oreka mendian - Preservation of pastureland habitats in basque mountains